`Pottu' is a horror thriller film directed by V.C. Vadivudayan starring Bharath and Namitha as Agoris with Manisha Yadav, Iniya, Swetha Ashok,Saravanan,Karunas,Suman,Singampuli and Urvashi.The film has music by Amresh Ganesh and editing by Eliza while production is by John Max under the banner Shalom Studios.
Director: Vadivudayaan
Producer: John Max, Shalom Studios,
Casting: Bharath, Iniya, Namitha, Srushti Dange, Saravanan, Karunas, Singam Puli, Urvashi
Running Time: 120 minutes
Rating : P13
Genre: Horror
Release date: 8th March 2019
Country: India
Language: Tamil