VERONICA (Nikita Willy), is a top diva. In a gig, Veronica suddenly fell unconscious. After getting help Veronica decided to calm herself away from disturbance. MICHAEL, Veronicas manager, gets a place in line with Veronica expectations. A beautiful villa, luxurious, and far from everywhere. After entering the villa, Veronica told Michael to leave her alone. Initially staying in the villa was a pleasure for Veronica. But gradually, the occult disorders began to haunt Veronica, in the form of a SKULL GAME. When the Skull Gasing is spinning, the childs disturbance will be life-threatening to Veronica. Gasing Skull adopted the traditional game in Minang realm.

Director: Jose Poernomo
Producer: MD Pictures, Dee Company
Casting: Nikita Willy
Genre: Thriller, horror
Release date: TBC
Country: Indonesia
Language: Indonesia
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